Cloud computing


Cloud computingWhen we had to work with computer help, then we needed any software to do that work. Like if you want to make a letter, we want MS WORD. Install it on your computer and our computer is ready to write the letter. To install MS WORD, its license is to be purchased. If ten people have to do the same work, ten licenses will be bought. In this way, when the number of people who work together increases, a new type of computing architecture is required, called Client-Server Architecture. The system gives the software two pieces, one is called the Client and the other is Sarwar. Client lives on your computer. Client asks for the desired information from Sarwar and collects all the information and provides information requested by processing them. As you see in your office that your personal number On giving, you get all the information of you. So is your computer's power term or Internet Explorer Client software and software software software in I.T.C. Client-Server Architecture also requires separate licenses for every server and client. Some clients are available for free. The client is programmed according to your requirement so that you are easy.

Cloud Computing is a technology that has everything on Sarwar only. Your data and programs are only on the server. And with the help of the internet and your browser, you can obtain data and software to process that data, modify it or erase it. Software to process the data runs in the browser itself. Claude Computing requires internet connection. Even though the name of cloud computing is new to you, but if you've ever used the internet, you've used the cloud. Site like Gmail, Facebook, orkut is the only beginning form of Cloud. On all these sites, you can save your data, which can be photos, videos, audio or other types, can be removed or changed. Cloud Computing will remove all types of data and software from your computer in the future. Only the internet and the browser will be required.


Case no -1. Suppose you work in a company that is responsible for the right software and hardware available to all working people. You will have to buy new computers and software (including licenses) for every worker. If a new worker comes, he will have to do everything again. In this way, you will have different types of hardware and different versions of 2 different types of software. It will be very difficult to work together to get together.

Case no -2. Suppose you have created a website which is running from simple to server. Your site was liked by a lot of people and the number of people who visited it increased greatly. Now your sarwar is not able to respond to such people. You will have to make more capability to work out which is a lot of cost work. Still, you put a new higher capability capability. After a few days the number of visitors to your site has decreased considerably. What will you do now?

Structure: We can interpret cloud computing in two parts. First, our browser is what we have, the other that is on the internet. All that is on the Internet is called Cloud. Under the cloud, many database servers, appliance servers, network servers and load control servers come in. They are adjusted in a way that acts like a unit. It is so efficient that it can meet the needs of millions of people together. Its load control surfaces the incoming load in different surfers, so that your work is done very quickly.

Usage: In today's time, many companies provide their services on the cloud. In this we do not have much concern about our hardware or software. Nor does it have to worry about licensing of every software. We only have to take service from the service provider company as per our requirement. It has to be paid. The rest of the work is from the service provider company. He will provide you application on your browser. And will keep your data safe. According to your work load, the resource will continue to increase or decrease. Some cloud services are also provided for free. Like Google Docs. With its help, you can create your own letter from anything without MS WORD Google Docs offers you the Pure Editor on your browser. With the help of which you can create and protect your letters from anything. And can get back from anything again. You do not have to keep your letter in your CD or pen drive.


The information you have not got is not yours. That's why we depend on others for their safety. All of our information is with the service provider. If there is any problem related to political, global or transaction in the future, then nothing will remain with you. To use the cloud, we should have the internet of such capability that continues to serve the Internet. If the internet is shut down, then everything will stop. The biggest problem is that if we ever have to change the service provider then we have to send everything from one company to another, which will not be easy.

In total, cloud computing is available to reach the common people.

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