Essay on electricity use - Essay on Importance of Electricity

Essay on electricity use
Essay on electricity use
Role: Science has given man the invention of many boons, of which electricity is also a boon. By inventing electricity, scientists have done a great favor on us. Electricity is very useful in our lives. Electricity is a powerful source of energy that is used to do many things.

Electricity is made from steam or water. Electricity is a huge river of inventions from the scientists, which makes this world wonder. Without it modern life can not be imagined. This whole day works according to human beings, it makes food for man, cleans the room and turns night into day.
Electricity has become an important part of our life today. In today's time the use of electricity in houses has increased more. If electricity goes for a while, then a very big problem arises. In today's modern life, electricity has become a huge need for human life without which man is not successful in doing any work.

Electricity Equipment: We can easily see electric miracles around. In today's world, light, air, heat, distance communication, news-listening devices can be seen in every home. Today every house has the tools to make lights and air, which has made our life comfortable.

Nowadays there are lights in the streets, shops and houses. In today's time, we can do all that work in the night, which was done only in the day. Earlier we used to work for the wind, but today the feather invention has made our life even more comfortable. Now with the use of electricity, they can also enjoy the summer.

Food is also made from electric hamburgers. Electricity is also pressed on clothes. Electricity is a huge benefit from heat that does not cause air pollution. Instruments such as wires and telephones have been provided due to electricity. Through wires and telephones, we can send our message far and wide.

Due to better means, we can send non-tech messages, photos. Programs that are far away from the radio can be easily heard. The use of electricity is proven like a boon for the women of the house. Kitchen is also made in the kitchen with the help of electricity. The clothes are washed away with the help of electricity.

Nowadays machines are used to make chutney and grind the pepper spices and to make juice. Nowadays the computer can be seen in the house-to-house, that too has been done for electricity. India has not developed so much right now due to this, computers in the houses are rarely visible. When the utility of the computer is detected, it will be used more in the houses also.

Use in heavy machines: Electricity is also used in heavy machines. Most of the electricity is used in transport. Tram and trains are also operated with the help of electricity. Electric engines are very powerful and any of these types of smoke is not polluted.

These devices can also be run at a higher speed and also at slow speed. The industrial revolution has come in the world with the help of electricity. In today's time, full-fledged industrial machines are run by electricity. A lot of things are made from these heavy-heavy industrial machines.

Very heavy cranes can also be run by electricity which can lift the maximum load. The fact that the factories that run by electricity do not have air pollution and it is very cheap with other sources of energy. Electricity is also used for medicine.

X-ray machines are run by electricity, which gives information about the diseases and the doctor is able to tell us which bone of our body is broken and which bone is fine. If there is a disease then the equipment is used for surgery.

Due to electricity, many rays like violet have been produced which are used in the treatment of many diseases. Due to the power-driven machines, it can be re-activated if heart failure is stopped. Electricity is also contributing to agriculture. Electricity helps in the production of tubes and wells for agriculture.

Entertainment means: the means of entertainment are available only because of electricity. Due to power, it is possible to make instruments such as radios, television, vcr, for entertainment. Today, because of television, we can easily see the important event happening at some place.Today we can easily watch many sports such as cricket, tennis, football, kabaddi, and volleyball directly from home. Electricity is used in all human activities. Due to electricity our happiness increases manifold.

In the homes of people who are poor, entertainment items can be easily seen. But these instruments can be used only by electricity, if they do not have electricity then they can not be used.

Epilogue: The use of electricity is done in very large quantities, which is why it is very difficult to count its uses. Electricity has greatly affected every area of ​​our life. In today's time urban life can not be imagined without electricity.

Electricity is also used in domestic work too. We can use it as much as we want. There are many types of electric power plants in the markets which are used in many homes. Use of tools depends on the person

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